How To Use "My Settings" On Your Dashboard

“My Settings” is where a user can set up the details of their profile and personalize their Rallyhood experience. 

Click “Rallyhood Profile” to open a menu of options to manage the following user information:

  • First and Last Name.
  • Current Position or Role.
  • Areas of Expertise or Interest.
  • Additional Information.
  • Address (including street, city, state, and zip).
  • Mobile phone number. 
  • URLs for Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

In “My Settings”, click “Email Addresses” to:

  • Change the primary email address associated with the account; this email address is where all communications from Rallyhood will be directed.
  • Add additional email addresses.  If another user sends or shares something from within Rallyhood to one of the secondary email addresses, it will funnel to the primary email address.  

Click “Save.”

To Manage notification preferences, click  “Notification Settings” to turn any or all of the following notifications on & off at any time. These can be changed individually or all at once. The Notification Settings include:

  • My Reminders: Events coming up. 
  • Daily Digest: Daily summaries from Rally activity.
  • Event Assignments: When a user has been assigned a task.
  • Notify Immediately: Posts that are time sensitive.
  • Invited: Invitations  to join a Hub or Rally.
  • Invitation Sent: Notifications when the user invitations have been successfully sent.
  • Invitation Accepted: Notifications when a friend / member has accepted the invitation to join a Hub or Rally.
  • Join Requested: Notifications when someone has requested to join a Rally, which an Admin then accepts or declines.
  • Join acceptd: Alerts when the user request to join a Rally has

    been accepted.

  • Content Shared: Notifications to the author of a post when another member shares the post to another Rally.

Click “Save” when finished selecting the Notification Settings.

*Notification preferences that are turned on will impact the number of emails a user could potentially receive from Rallyhood on a daily basis.

Clicking “Other Preferences” gives user’s the opportunity to adjust their profile default time zone and select a preference to receive an individual Daily Digest email from each Hub and Rally or to condense them all into one email.    

In Settings, users can also change their Password: 

  • Click “Change Password” to update and change your Rallyhood password at any time.
  • As the new password is entered, it will automatically check the boxes next to the requirements so that a user can be sure that the new password is secure. 

Click “Save.”

*It is very important to click “Save” at the bottom of each section in “My Settings” before moving to the next one.

For additional information please view our How To Use "My Settings" tutorial video.

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