How To Reset Your Password

Resetting a forgotten password

Follow the instructions below to reset a forgotten password:  

  1. Go to the Rallyhood Log In page and click the "Having trouble logging in? Reset Password" link.

  2. Once you click the link, provide your account email address. An email will be sent with a link to reset your password.

  3. Follow the link and enter a new password that satisfies the password requirements.

If the link is no longer working, it has expired please follow steps 1–3 and follow the link from a new email.

If you don't receive an email within 10 minutes:

  • Please check your junk/spam folders 
  • Ensure "" is added to your safe senders/contact list, if it is not, once you have added it repeat steps 1 – 3.
  • If you are not receiving the reset password link email, you may be unsubscribed from the Rallyhood mailing list and are unable to receive notifications sent by us. Please contact support for further assistance.

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