How To Join a Rally

Joining a Rally and Rallyhood

There are two ways to join a Rally by, invitation or request.

1. Joining by invitation:

A Rally owner or admin will send an invite via email to join the Rally. Follow the link in the email invitation, this walks you through the process of signing up if you are not a member of Rallyhood or accessing the Rally if you are already a member. New members will be asked to input their first and last name, choose a time zone, and create a password. Existing users will be asked to enter the password for their existing Rallyhood account.

2. Joining by request:

Send a request to join a private Rally by going to the search page and searching for the Rally you want to join. Once you have located the Rally, select it. You are given a page that says "let's see if you are a member" and asks for your email address. Enter your email address, if you are not a member, or have not already been invited, you will be asked to send a request to join. Your request to join will need approval from the owner or an admin in the Rally.

If you are new to Rallyhood, once an admin has accepted your request to join you'll be sent a welcome email. The link from this email will walk you through setting up your account.

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